Tools of the Trade

Some of our clients have become proficient in capturing snakes without the assistance of the Snake Wranglers. Most of these folks continue to rely on us for the relocation part of our service, however.

If you are considering becoming a DIY Snake Wrangler, you will need the proper tools. On this page you will see examples of the recommended tools that enable safe snake capture and collection.

You will see images of these tools below.


Venomous snakes should only be handled by those who have been properly trained and have the appropriate tools.

There are only a few mission critical tools required to safely capture, transport and release snakes. The list includes a 5-gallon bucket with a modified screw-on lid, snake tongs and a snake hook. Snake Tongs and Hooks can be purchased online. Buckets and Lids can be found at many big box stores.

Tools of the Trade
100 Snakes Recued Jan-Mar 2024

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